Free for you….one of our favorite video discussion groups:  Click here to access your gift – SIconnect with Sharon Wheeler

sharon-headshotIn 1970, at the age of 23, Sharon Wheeler trained with Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the founder of Structural Integration. Her contributions to the field are a reflection of her lineage.

 Sharon was on staff at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California teaching Esalen Massage when she met Dr. Rolf. She took her audit and practition in the two Big Sur River House classes in 1970. She trained in the first Rolf Movement Integration class with Judith Aston in 1971. In 1973 Sharon did a second practitioner class with Dr. Rolf in the Adam’s House at Esalen. She did the Philadelphia Advanced Training with Dr. Rolf in 1978. 

Sharon was one of the youngest students as well as one of the few women to be trained. Among the students in her class were two MDs, an aero-space engineer, and a PhD psychologist. Sharon was one of Dr. Rolf’s admitted “artistic experiments”.


Other interests have been the study of Mythology with Joseph Campbell, Core Energetics with John Pierrakos, MD, and the study of Tai Chi Chuan, Pa-qua and Hsing-I with Robert Smith and Allen Pittman. She likes to garden, and is fond of white water rafting and hiking. 

Sharon’s membership affiliations include Guild for Structural Integration, Rolf Institute for Structural Integration, International Association for Structural Integration, Fascia Research Society, and NCBTMB workshop provider.

Sharon maintains a practice in Rolfing Structural Integration and Rolf Movement in Port Orchard WA Sharon. She teaches continuing education workshops on ScarWork, BoneWork, CranialWork, and the Art of Structural Integration.

SIconnect Live Events

SI Discussion Groups are 90 minute interactive online video conferences created for us to talk about the work. The groups are facilitated by our founder, Liz Stewart and often have guest participants who are key figures in our community. The format was developed to engage the practitioners in interesting conversation with each other. Every call is based on a different topic and a pre-recorded audio or video file may be included to promote or clarify the subject. These groups create a space to come together; share our thoughts and feelings about our work and find out what’s happening in the field. Space is limited to promote shared talking time.

Instead, we must strive for balance and Edit-Proofread eat a variety of foods that combine such dietary components to form healthy meals.