What is SIconnect?
SIconnect is a place to go for practitioners, prospective students or anyone interested in the oral tradition of Structural Integration.
What you will find on this site are the voices of our profession, where you can listen to audio recordings of different generations of practitioners, from traditionalists to pioneers. The common thread is they are part of the lineage of Dr. Ida P. Rolf.
What is Possible
At SIconnect there are currently three items you can purchase.
1. An MP3 (?) recording that can be downloaded.
2. A seat where you are a group participant in a LIVE 90 minute video conference that is subject specific. The format invites you to engage in interesting conversation and have a chance to be in community. This is a great experience especially if you are unable to attend workshops. Every call is based on a different topic and a pre-recorded audio or video file may be included to promote or clarify the subject. These calls often have guest participants who are key figures in the SI community. These groups create a space to come together; share thoughts and feelings about our work and find out what’s happening in the field. Space is limited to promote shared talking time. The groups are facilitated by Liz Stewart, Advanced Practitioner of SI and CE Provider.
As this is a work in progress, it will grow so please check back periodically to see what’s new.
3. If you are unable to attend a LIVE group, you can purchase the recording.
Our Vision
This website was created for you to stay connected to the Rolf Method of Structural Integration. From the inception when Dr. Rolf first began teaching her work to where we are currently, SI continues to be a wonderful body of work. Here at SIconnect, you will find inspiring audio recordings, access to online live video discussions, recorded video discussions from featured leaders in our field and more as the site unfolds. Like SI this web page is a work in progress and taking form each day.
If there is a colleague that you are interested in hearing from please let us know.
About Our Founder
The SIconnect founder Liz Stewart, has an SI private practice in Boulder, Colorado. She leads consultation, study and supervision groups, teaches continuing education and is an avid ongoing student of SI.